Monday 28 May 2018

Afio Mai To Samoan Language Week

Afio Mai to Samoan language Week.

The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.

In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt. 

Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.

Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.











Friday 25 May 2018

Ra Whanau Suzanne Aubert

Ra Whanau Suzanne Aubert
In room 6 we have been celebrating Suzanne Aubert’s birthday by making flowers for the theme, “Always choose the little flower of hope.”
Suzanne looked after sick people, people with disabilities, children whose families couldn’t care for them, and the elderly. The work she started continues to this day in places like Wellington’s Compassion Soup Kitchen.

Suzanne left her home in France and came to Aotearoa to support the Maori people. She honoured the Maori people, their tikanga, reo and rongoa. Suzanne loved God and always thought about what he wanted her to do, not what she wanted, even when that wasn’t easy.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Sea Turtles🐢

Sea Turtles🐢
I am learning to write to inform my audience with an explanation.

What is almost terrible when crawling on land but is amazing at swimming in the ocean? Yes, it is none other than, the sea turtle. The sea turtle (chelonioidea) has been around for 150,000 years, aeons, since the time of the jurassic! These types of marine animals are a maraculice, endangered, reptile, which means that they are cold blooded. Their family name is cheloniidae and can be found throughout at least 80 countries! To this day, every adult sea turtle has faced the odds and overcome them, from when they were just an egg.

High on the sandy shores of the exact same she was born in, an adult female sea turtle will crawl up the beach, past the high tide mark and dig a hole to lay her eggs in. The eggs are leathery and about the size of a ping-pong ball. Depending on the weather and type of turtle, it can take up to longer than 70-80 days. Of all the 110-1000 eggs laid approximately 20% will never hatch.

Once hatched the little turtles will squirm up to the surface and desperately race to the sea, but of the 20% hatched about 50% will perish. It may seem like the turtles that made it are lucky but no, they just traded one set of dangers for another. Fish, and many other marine animals are big dangers for baby sea turtles, along with sea birds like gulls as the young turtles come up for air. The little turtles then look for shelter, (possibly some floating seaweed) and try to avoid being seen, or getting harmed harsh weathers, and treacherous currents. Through all these dangers only around 50% will make it to young adulthood.

Eventually the turtles will grow and for one species, the leatherback to the size of a dinner table! Although size can give protection a turtle’s life is always filled with dangers, like sharks, for example, Bull sharks, Tiger sharks, White sharks, and of course the occasional Killer whale (Orca). With this again only around 50% will survive to breeding age.

Finally, the breeding age! Here the sea turtles are old enough to mate and the females then reproduce (lay eggs). The sea turtle has already faced challenges in life and they always will, because of nature selection of predators, and the unnatural human interference (Pollution). 

When the eggs hatch, the little turtles race to the ocean ready to start the cycle once more.
Image result for sea turtles

Monday 21 May 2018

Lights, Camera, Action

Room 6 presented their learning about not being a bystander at their assembly on Friday Week 3. In week 3 all schools around New Zealand made a stand by wearing pink. Pink stood for peaceful, inclusive, nobel and kind .
Our assembly was a success and we all had fun.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Last week Good Shepherd School performed, ‘Zip Zip Zap Avenue’. We packed the school hall with our family and friends as the rain fell. Most of GSS students were in the holding classrooms covered in make-up and sitting in our toy costumes.

Zip Zip Zap Avenue is a about a Toy Shop that comes alive once one of the main characters, the Shopkeeper closed up the shop and turned off the light. The toys would then come alive when all the people were asleep, like the the families that visited the toyshop looking for the perfect gifts. This certain night at the toyshop the celebration was for Buzz the Bee, he had left the shelf of the toy shop and all his friends came out to celebrate him with dances. The main toy friends were Thing 1, Thing 2, Tiki, Spiderman, Cabbage Patch Doll, Woody, Strawberry Shortcake, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. The main characters introduced the classes as they came in as their selected toy and danced for buzz.

The first dance was the boys and girls of Room 3 and 4 who were transformers, this was a great and powerful way to start the show. Room 5 then twirled onto the stage as Barbie and Ken dancing to Barbie girl. Things got a little spooky as the trolls of Room 7 came out in the middle of the night to the song Thriller. We weren’t too scared for long as the fairies in Room 3 and 4 came out dancing away in their gorgeous fair dresses. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any cuter the teddy bears from Room 1 and 2 went on their teddy bear picnic. Room 8 then showed us what teamwork is with their awesome lego outfit and very cool song … Everything is awesome! Next up were the Kiwi toy, with great costumes for the kiwi birds and the wonderful performance of the Poi Dancers. And finally it was our turn, Room 6 spun onto the stage as Rubix Cubes dancing to You Spin Me Right Around.

It was a fantastic experience for us all, we learnt a lot about performing and all the work that goes on in the background. We was a wonderful opportunity and it wouldn’t of been possible without the support of everyone working together just like the lego blocks.

Friday 11 May 2018

To My Mother

My Hand print

Here is my hand print,
Five fingers in all,
Outside they short,
But the middle is tall.

You will find them on the windows,
You can find them on the wall,
They will make a big mess,
For something so small.

One day I will grow,
And leave them no more,
My hand prints will be missed,
Of that I am sure.

So here is one now,
That you can't wipe away,
My present to you,
This Mothers' Day!

The Ascension Of The Lord

In RE we learnt about the Ascension of Jesus. At Galilee Jesus told his disciples to take his Gospel to the whole whole world. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us always and then he returned, in glory to his Father in Heaven.

We used crafts to show how Jesus went body and soul to Heaven