Monday 24 September 2018

The Kiwi Bird

I am learning to inform my audience through an information report.

The Apteryx, native to New Zealand, is a genius, but Apteryx is only its scientific name, can you guess what the New Zealand residents call it? If you guessed the Kiwi then you are absolutely correct and this is not just the name of a fruit, this is also the name of the one, the only New Zealand Kiwi bird! The Kiwi is native to New Zealand and belongs to the class Aves, its family name is Apterygidae. The Kiwi generally has a very long beak with its nostrils at the end. Another feature is that the kiwi has little wings and cannot fly so it is vulnerable to predators. Did you know that there are 5 types of kiwi bird? The most common kiwi is the North Island Brown Kiwi, other types are Okarito Kiwi, Southern Island Brown Kiwi, The Great Spotted Kiwi and The Little Spotted Kiwi. All Kiwis have a range of skills that are essential for it to survive. The native bird must have a balanced diet and a habitat that provides all its food. Its living area must also provide a place for the Kiwi to perform its natural habits. Every animal one cell or a million must eat food and the kiwi, has a range of foods to eat.


Every animal must have something to eat for survival. So the big question is, what does the Kiwi eat? From invertebrates to leaves these birds eat a wide range of food. Kiwis are omnivores which means they eat both meat and plants. They eat things like berries seeds and some leaves but their favourites are juicy earthworms and grubs, they are also known to eat some amphibians! The Kiwi bird gets most of its water from the food it eats like earthworms, that are 85% water, but when the Kiwi really does need to drink it is through its beak, up with the water into the beak and is glugged down. And of course the Kiwi must have a habitat that provides such food.


The kiwi bird must have a habitat that provides everything it needs or, well, at least food, water and a safe place to hide. So where does the kiwi bird live? In the jungle. No there aren't any in New Zealand. Maybe on Mt Ruapehu? Definitely not! Maybe the kiwi lives on the forest floor. Yes! That's right! The kiwi does live on the forest floor! The kiwi is a nocturnal animal, which means it sleeps in the day and is awake at night! Its shaded home makes a perfect environment for the kiwi. But the kiwi habitat has requirements like food, water, shelter, and a big enough area to allow it to perform its natural habits.

Natural Habits 

The kiwi has a range of natural habits that may seem surprising. You probably thought the kiwi was gentle right? Wrong, with strong powerful claws and speed as fast as a man, the kiwi bird is actually very aggressive! The kiwi has a range of habits like running, fighting and of course mating. The kiwi can run fast and has a natural habit of staying away from humans as they are not social birds. Kiwi calls are loud and the males is more high pitched than the females who produces a more low and ruff call. But all this running fighting and calling attracts predators.


Two hundred years ago, millions of kiwi thrived through the New Zealand forests but now, with the reign of predators the kiwi has a population of fewer than 100,000 left in the wild. Predators vary in different shapes and sizes from the big dog to the small but very powerful rat. Things like dogs, cats, rats, possums, and stoats are all major threats to the kiwi leaving them endangered, and in conversations. The kiwi has a musty smell that attracts predators and because they are so endangered the have to be protected.

Overall the kiwi is an amazing New Zealand treasure that should kept in the world today. It is an endangered bird with few living in the wild. The kiwi bird has been put in conversations. It is native and very important to our ecosystem, so we must save it.

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