Monday 24 September 2018

The Year Book Writing Challenge

At Good Shepherd, our three journalists ( Gina, Elijah and James ) have organized a writing challenge where the winners were selected from each class room and the winner for Room 6 was ME! Every class had a different topic to write about and  Room 6 had mystical creature. I wrote about the kelpie, a highly feared water demon said to dwell in big bodies of water throughout Scotland and Ireland. Here is my winning piece of writing:

The Kelpie
An Irish, and Scottish mythological creature, the kelpie lives in big bodies of water throughout Scotland and Ireland. Kelpie means : Water Horse because this highly feared water demon can take various shapes, however, the kelpie usually takes form of a horse with bulrushes for the mane. It used to always take this form but ever since it has been found out, it has been taking a discrete number of disguises. The few victims who have escaped this almost certain doom have gone out yelling which first brought the existence of the kelpie. The kelpie feasts on human flesh and after luring the innocent, and dazed onto its back it will dive straight down into the depths of its watery home where it is said to devour the doomed rider, carelessly letting the carcasses float to the surface. It can lure the unwilling in a number of ways while one of its favorites is singing, almost like a siren. The world's largest kelpie lives in Lake Loch Ness and is known as The Loch Ness Monster. Its favourite form is that of a sea serpent. There is one known way to overcome the kelpie which is putting a bridal over the kelpie’s head, if however so unfortunately the kelpie already has a bridal, you must first cut of the already placed bridal. Kelpies cannot go through entryways The kelpie has been proven, in many ways to be real but researchers are still looking for vivid evidence, reassuring people that there is no such thing as the so called kelpie, making it a living myth.

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